Wednesday, 23 March 2016

way Server Administration on network

Administer Server in Network
Administer the server on the network module on the theory and practical engineering or computer network that discusses the basics of administering Server to manage a network both as a local network or a broad-based network (WAN). In a computer that is used by many users and has not implemented the provision Disk Quota, often each user stores data without regard to the capacity of the computer hard drive. Of course in will cause problems that make an administrator dizziness.

Administer the server on the network. To overcome that each user can not store data beyond the permitted capacity, an administrator needs to apply the provision of disk quotas to each of the user. However, there may be some users who want to be given a larger disk quotas or even possible given unlimited disk quota. Therefore the application can be set up disk quotas quota each division according to the desired user.

Many options can be used in determining how to provide Yag quota limits may be allocated to a user or group, namely whether to specify the disk space or to specify many files they may create. You can optionally restrict the allocation of disk space (block quotas) or based on the number of files (inode quotas) or perhaps a combination of both. Each of these restrictions will then be divided into two categories, namely category of hard limits and soft limits.

Hard limits should not be bypassed. Once a user reaches the hard limit, he will not get additional new allocations on the file system. For example if the user has a hard limit of 500 blocks in a file system when he has mengggunakan block 490, then the user is only left with the allocation of 10 blocks. If he tries to allocate an additional 11 blocks, then this business will fail because it is already past the hard limit.

Instead of soft limit can be bypassed but only for a predetermined time. This period is known as the grace period, which is the default price or seven days a week. If a user retains in excess quota limit soft limit longer than the grace periodyang has, then the soft limit will turn into a hard limit. Then, because of the nature of hard limit, he will not receive additional allocations again. When the user restore disk space usage below its quota limit, the grace period will be reset.


Starting capabilities required for studying this module are:

Training participants have passed the module / training material administer network devices LAN (Local Area Network)
Training participants master the knowledge of the operation computer`
Training participants are able to operate a computer in accordance with the instructions manual book.


1. Instructions for Students

Students are expected to actively participate and interact with learning resources to support it, because it must be considered some of the following:

a. Steps - Step Learning

This module contains material concerning the competence Server Administration on network connected network area, therefore to note a few things so that participants are more competent and professional training, namely:

What must be done first in Server Administration on network-connected local network?
How to administer the server in the connected network area network (WAN)?
Is the problem diagnosis Server Administration on network and installation of server devices connected local network or area is in compliance with the rules and whether the system can work properly?

b. Supplies To Be Prepared

To support the tasks you want to do, then prepare all the equipment required in accordance with the type of task on each learning activity.

c. Training results

You will be able to perform the task / job problems Server Administration on network connected network.

2. Role of Teachers

Teachers who will teach this module should prepare as well as possible strategies that cover all aspects of learning, mastery of materials, selection of methods, tools and device evaluation learning media.


After studying this module, the training participants are expected to competently and professionally perform the task / job of administering a server on the network according to the needs at hand.

more information visit

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